Jessie's Well Blog
Day 42
Day 42
October 19, 2015
Wow! What a day it was! Dann and I began riding at 8:00 am this morning. Our objective was to make the 58 miles to Abita Springs by 12:30 as a rendezvous for lunch with family. Marilyn drove on ahead with the RV to Slidell. She met family members there who together drove back to Abita Springs with bikes so that Marilyn, her brother Miles and sister Evelyn could ride with us the last 23 miles along the Tammany Trace bike trial to the family home in Slidell. The weather was spectacular with a cloudless sky and cool breeze. Once we were within a couple of miles from the house we were met by the “welcoming committee” (more family) in a golf cart with flags flying. We proceeded down the road in parade fashion all the way to the house as the finale of Stage 5. We enjoyed a relaxing afternoon and delicious celebration meal. From here we said goodbye to Dann who has been a great riding partner. His strong legs were a great help to me as I tucked in behind him for many miles these last few days.
The next three days, Marilyn and I will be catching up on a little rest and busy preparing for the last stage of our cross country journey. We’ll head out on Friday for the Mississippi Gulf coast then across the panhandle of Florida. Can’t wait to be in Jacksonville, Florida to see more family and friends.